Welcome to EnergyBilaterals.org
This website publishes an original collection of bilateral state agreements regulating activities in the field of energy. The database contains over 600 bilateral agreements from the 1940s to the present day.
It has several purposes:
- To raise awareness about the existence of these agreements;
- To provide access to the text of the agreements (downloadable pdf format);
- To systematise the agreements, by key-word searches, according to the followings fields:
- energy resource and/or activity covered (eg transportation of hydrocarbons by pipeline);
- model of bilateral state cooperation involved (determined by factors such as the share of costs and benefits and the legal nature of the supervising organs);
- title, parties and date of conclusion of agreement;
- To show this information by means of interactive maps.
The creation and publication of the database was supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation, the Philomathia Foundation and the University of Cambridge. The legal aspects of these agreements and their interaction with customary international law are discussed in T Morgandi, State Energy Agreements (Cambridge: CUP, forthcoming 2023).
This database should be cited as: Tibisay Morgandi, 'State Energy Agreements Database', energybilaterals.org (2017). The database is protected by copyright.